Sign Up Now!

Our Kill Team Narrative Campaign starts on 21st May (but anyone can join part way through too!). You can now sign up your team(s) using the form below.

You can learn more about Tarsak IV and sign up for missions on the Campaign Page.

Enter your Kill Team's details:

Discord will be our primary means of sending out campaign information. We recommend joining our Discord server.

Building Your Roster

Your starting roster must contain exactly the number of operatives required to form a single legal Kill Team, and no more. You will add additional operatives throughout the campaign.

You'll need to create a Narrative Dataslate and Narrative Datacards for your Kill Team. You can download these here or pop into Black Dragon Games to pick them up.

Alternatively, try our custom datasheets which can fill in on your computer.

    Fill in your Dataslate as follows:
  1. Choose your faction and fill in the Faction Keyword (the orange keyword at the bottom of each operative datacard). You can also fill in the Selectable Keyword (such as your Chapter or Forge World).
  2. Choose a name, base of operations, history and quirk for your Kill Team (you'll find lots of suggestions for these in the listing for your Kill Team).
  3. Set your Requisition Points to 4 and your Asset Capacity to 2.
  4. Leave your Stash, Strategic Assets, Spec Ops Log and Notes blank for now.

    Fill in a Datacard for each operative in your Kill Team:
  1. Name your operatives (again, you'll find lots of suggestions for these in the listing for your Kill Team).
  2. Enter the Operative Type.
  3. If this Operative Type has multiple weapons options then use the Notes section to record the weapons loadout that you have chosen.
  4. Tick the top tickbox to show that your operative is at the Adept level.
  5. Leave Battle Honours, Battle Scars, Rested Tally, Specialism and Experience Points blank.

Spending Requisition Points

You probably want to spend two of those Requisition Points on a couple of Equipment Drop requisitions. This will net you 10 points worth of equipment, allowing you to field a full Kill Team with a full loadout of gear. Add the equipment items that you have chosen to the Stash section of your Dataslate.

Purchasing one or two Strategic Assets using the Asset Acquired requisition might be a good idea too. There are plenty in the Core Book, but your Kill Team listing might offer a few unique ones too. Find something that supports your play style.

Consider keeping one Requisition Point back for Medivac requisitions so that you can save an unlucky operative from death! You will gain an extra requisition point after every mission but you can't ever have more than 5 requisition points, so its a good idea to spend them frequently while always hanging onto one or two for emergencies.

Choosing a Spec Op

Now you need to choose your first Spec Op. There are 10 in the Core Book, and your faction may have some extra ones in their own book. Keep an eye on the Tac Ops that you need to complete for each Spec Op and make sure that they are Tac Ops that your faction has access to.

See if you can find a particularly thematic Spec Op to start with. Most of the factions are fairly subdued at the start of the campaign, so Secure District might be a good starting point for Imperial Kill Teams, while a Chaos Kill Team might choose Perform Ritual, Genestealer Cults might choose Infiltrate the Enemy and the Orks might go for Demolition! When you complete your first Spec Op you will need to choose a new one, but the state of Tarsak IV will likely be very different and you may have a particular plan in mind by then!

Add this Spec Op to the first Spec Ops Log box of your Dataslate.

Playing Missions

All campaign missions will be played using the Shadow Operations Mission Packs from the various Kill Team publications. The battlefields and books required to play these missions are available in-store, but any Narrative Missions that you play away from the store will also count towards your Spec Ops campaign and the overall Narrative Campaign.

We run a Skirmish Games Club in-store on Sundays from 1pm to 6pm where people meet to play Kill Team, but you can book a table to play a game against an opponent at any time.

Please report your match results to us so that we can add their influence to the campaign's narrative. The easiest way to do this is through Discord, but you can also contact us through our website (or just tell us in-person if playing in-store). Please tell us the names of the two Kill Teams, the mission you played and who the winner was.